Placenta Encapsulation
What is Placenta Encapsulation?
Encapsulating the placenta is one way to prepare the placenta for consumption. Consuming your placenta is said to restore life force energy after birth, and is a tradition across many cultures. All land mammals consume their placenta, and it is becoming more popular as the benefits become more well known.
Placenta encapsulation is a natural way to support your peaceful transition to parenthood, helping you to feel your best so you can enjoy all the blissful bonding with your baby.
Why encapsulate my placenta?
Your placenta nourished your baby in the womb, and it can also nourish you during your postpartum recovery. The placenta contains rich nutrients, hormones, antibodies, and proteins that help restore balance in the body after birth.
Benefits of placenta encapsulation include:
increased energy levels and better mood
accelerated healing
replenishment and regulation of hormones
decreased risk of “baby blues”
improved lactation
restored iron and mineral levels
less postpartum bleeding
overall improved postpartum recovery
What’s Included?
Services are $275, and come with capsules, a placenta tincture (which can last for years after your capsules run out), umbilical cord keepsake, and a placenta art print.
I use 100% vegan capsules. On average, placentas make around 80-120 capsules.
FAQS About Placenta Encapsulation
FAQS About Placenta Encapsulation
You may have a lot of questions. Please read through these FAQs, and feel free to reach out with anything else you are curious about!
What does the process entail?
First, the placenta is cleaned and the tincture is prepared. Then, it is steamed with lemon and ginger, to enhance its warming effects, a method inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Next, the placenta is dehydrated. Finally, after dehydration is complete, the dried placenta is ground and transferred into 100% vegan capsules.
How do I get my placenta to you? How do I get my capsules?
I can come to your place of birth and pick up the placenta, or if more convenient, I can arrange a pick-up with a member of your birth team. After birth, you can ask a member of your birth team to keep it on ice, or in the refrigerator, and I will pick it up within a few hours. I will deliver your placenta package to you when it is ready. A $25 travel fee is added if your home is more than 20 miles from Lakewood, Ohio.
What sanitation precautions do you take?
Safety and hygiene are of utmost importance, and I adhere to rigorous sanitation standards.
I have dedicated supplies and equipment. I was all submersible equipment in hot water with antibacterial soap. Then I sanitize it in a bleach solution and let it air dry. I use antiviral and antibacterial cleaners for the non-submersible equipment. I always wear proper PPE when working with a placenta.
I am certified to OSHA standards through APPA Bloodborne Pathogens Training for Professional Placenta Service Providers. I am also ServSafe trained in food handling and preparation.
What is a placenta tincture?
A placenta tincture preserves the placenta’s medicinal qualities for lifelong use. It is created by taking a very small portion of the raw placenta and placing it in a prepared solution of high grade alcohol for a minimum of 6 weeks. Placenta tinctures are great for after your pills run out, and can be used in any time of stress, transition, or hormonal imbalance.
How long do the capsules last?
Placenta capsules have about a year shelf life if stored properly in a cool, dry place. After a couple of months, you can store them in a bag in the freezer to extend the shelf life. I recommend taking them within the first few months postpartum and using the tincture for the longer term.
Can I encapsulate my placenta if I had an epidural or a c-section?
Yes. No matter what type of birth experience you had; it is not a contraindication. The placenta filters out medication quickly. I encapsulate for people who have had all types of births.
I don’t want to encapsulate my placenta. Can you still make placenta art for me?
Absolutely! I love making placenta art, and I can make natural prints as well as painted ones. If you have any other ideas, let’s talk about it!